A taste that pops in a mellow fruity taste. An Orange wine with a presence of turbidity and lees. Made from Katsunuma Town's Koshu variety of grapes with firm skins, brewed with a little awareness of southern hemisphere's natural wine. A taste of the potential potential of grapes that directly feels fermentation. While feeling the excitement and joy of my own body. A wine of new potential in Koshu. Have a happy time listening to rare grooves with wine at twilight.
An elegant and complex rose wine with freshness and mellow spici- ness. A wine made from a variety of fully ripened European varieties grown in-house, with a focus on Merlot. Therefore, it is complicated and you can enjoy various expressions as if you were listening to the soundtrack.
新鮮さの中にまろやかなスパイシーさも感じるエレガントで複雑みのあるロゼワイン。メルローを中心に自社栽培の完熟した様々な欧州系品種を混ぜこぜに してつくるフィールドブレンドのワイン。それゆえの複雑さは、まるでサウンドトラックを聴いているかのような様々な表情を楽しみながら
A natural white wine with a fruity flavor, refreshing, light and rich in aroma, made from grapes (Koshu variety) grown in stony soil.
Slowly fermented wines are perfect for lazy afternoons basking in the sun while listening to Jazz.
石ころの多い土壌のぶどう(甲州種)からできた果実味のある爽やかで軽やかな香り高い自然体の白ワイン。ゆっくり発酵させたワインは、休日の午後に Jazz でも聴きながら日向ぼっこしてのんびり微睡むのにぴったり
You can buy
this website.
A.S.A.P. is an original wine with music created using the healing frequency Solfeggio Frequency by 2017 Grammy nominee producer 'starRo'.
The music can be heard at this link.
The music can be heard at this link.